Our Safeguarding Statement
Springfield Primary School is committed to safeguarding children and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils are well cared for, safe and protected. We follow national and local Child Protection procedures and aim to work together with other agencies that support children and families. If we have serious cause for concern, we are legally required to notify relevant agencies. The Designated Persons for Springfield Primary are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead and designated teacher for Looked After Children: Sarah East - Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
1st - Stuart Godfrey
2nd Karen Dowding
3rd - Linda Andrews
4th - Angela Burgoyne
School Governor Safeguarding Representatives: Alison Withers and Jim Skinner
If you have a concern to raise with them or a child has made a disclosure to you, please ask in the office for an expression of concern form.
Please also see the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and the Prevent Statement