Behaviour Expectations at Springfield
We believe that good behaviour is essential to allow all our pupils to achieve their full potential. High standards of behaviour promote effective learning; effective teaching and learning promotes good behaviour. No pupil will be allowed to behave in a manner which adversely affects the learning opportunities of others.
We believe in a culture of inclusion, equality of opportunity and respect for all members of our community and in the importance of self-discipline and self-esteem. Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. We recognise that pupils with additional emotional or behavioural needs may need to receive specialised support to achieve the expected standard of behaviour. To achieve this, we work with many external professionals and agencies.
We aim to enable each child to participate purposefully and transition successfully though each stage of school by: -
- Developing a moral code linked to principles from Chris Quigley's Steps to Success, alongside incorporating British Values into all that we do,
- Developing self-discipline and respect for others linked to the school rules,
- Encouraging co-operation and responsibility,
- Encourage the development of positive behaviours and learning attitudes, and
- Using a therapeutic approach to managing behaviour and supporting individual pupils.
We use a system of positive praise for good or improving behaviour and sanctions where standards fall below an expected level. Rewards reinforce and sustain good behaviour and encourage all pupils to behave well. Sanctions demonstrate that misbehaviour is not acceptable and deter other pupils from similar behaviour. Rewards and sanctions are applied consistently and fairly by staff. At Springfield, we implement aspects of the 'Good To Be Green' behaviour model to encourage and develop positive behaviours.
At Springfield, all pupils are aware of and understand our school rights (rules). These are as follows:
In our school everyone will:
Think lots and do lots
Be kind and understanding of others
Work hard, try new things and get better.
Never give up!