‘Born curious, Stay curious’
At Springfield Primary School we are committed to ensuring our children achieve highly and fulfil their potential through the promotion of high standards and expectations in all we do and provide. Children experience a rich, balanced and exciting curriculum designed to meet their academic, cultural and social needs. They are given the tools needed to become lifelong learners and citizens of the local and wider global community.
The curriculum we provide is underpinned by an extensive range of extra- curricular activities, enrichment opportunities and school trips that are available to all. Our extensive and unique school grounds provide a stimulating, exciting environment for learning.
We work in close partnership with local secondary schools and pre-school settings to ensure children are well prepared for the next stage of their education and that transition is smooth.
Together the school community will empower our children to be:
We build lifelong confident learners who have the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for success in an ever changing world.
School Values and the 'Secrets to Success' Wheel
As a school we focus on ensuring pupils develop the following values which the school council identified as being the most important for our pupils. Our school values are: belonging, perseverance, honesty, happiness, respect and friendship.
We also use Chris Quigley's 'Secrets to Success' Wheel to encourage children to be successful in their learning. Aspects of the wheel are discussed with the children in class and successes shared in assemblies where Purple Badges are awarded to those who demonstrate skills such as hard work, imagination, good concentration, perseverance, compassion and the willingness to try new things.
Springfield Primary School | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library