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Assessment at Springfield


Assessment at Springfield is a crucial and integral part of the teaching and learning process. Assessment procedures at Springfield recognise and celebrate children’s achievements within and beyond the National Curriculum. Teachers use formative assessment to help every child understand how they can improve and make progress. Children and staff are encouraged to review and reflect upon assessment information. Staff are skilled at using assessment to support every child to achieve the highest possible standards. Teachers at Springfield know their children well.

Assessment is both formative (daily) and summative (statutory assessment at the end of EYFS and Key Stage 2.)

Statutory Assessment

EYFS – Baseline assessment is completed upon entry to school. The Early Years Foundation Stage profile is completed for each child by the end of EYFS 2. Parents are encouraged to contribute to assessments through the Tapestry assessment system.

Key Stage 1 – Children complete a Phonics assessment at the end of Year 1 in June. Results are shared with parents at the end of the academic year. Children who do not meet the required standard will re-sit the test in Year 2.

Key Stage 2 - Year 4 children complete a multiplication assessment in June. 

Key Stage 2 – At the end of Year 6 children sit formal tests in reading, grammar, spelling and punctuation and maths. These tests are completed over a week and are sent away to be marked. Writing is teacher assessed alongside science. Children are assessed as working towards, at the expected standard or working at greater depth. In science children either meet or do not meet the required standard. Results are shared with parents at the end of the year and school results published online by the government in the Autumn term. This year the SATS will take place from 8-11th May 2023.

Assessment Policy

SATS information booklet for parents in Key Stage 2

Year 6 SATs information PowerPoint


The Government has issued information leaflets and videos for parents about the end of Key Stage assessments (SATS) for year 2 and year 6 pupil.

Please click on the following link:



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