Governors are volunteers who have an interest in the education of children and who are prepared to work alongside the Headteacher and school staff to improve standards and learning experiences for all our children at Springfield.
Day to day management of the school is delegated to the Headteacher who, with colleagues, keeps governors fully informed about all aspects of school life. There are twelve members of the governing body, of whom the Headteacher is one. Members of staff elect a further staff governor. Two governors are elected by the parents of the school and seven governors are co-opted by the governing body. One governor is appointed by the Local Education Authority. The term of office is four years.
Headteacher – Mrs Sarah East The Headteacher is an Ex-officio governor which means they are a member of the governing body by virtue of the position held in school and do not need to be elected. Positions of responsibility: on all committees Register of interests: Governor at Little Heath Secondary School. and related to PD East Decorating Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB committee 1/3 Welfare committee 3/6 Finance and Personnel committee 2/4 Curriculum committee 1/3 Pay Committee |
Kelly Bunker Category of Governor: Parent Elected by: Parents Initial start date:: 07.04.22 Term of office 07.04.22- 06.04.26 Positions of responsibility: Curriculum committee Register of interests: None Kelly is a teacher at a school in Reading and has two children currently attending Springfield Primary. Attendance 2024/25: 1/6 FGB 2/4 Curriculum committee |
Leon Brumsack Category of Governor: Local Authority Appointed by: LA and Full Governing Body Initial start date: 24.04.24 Term of Office: 24.04.24 - 23.04.28 Positions of responsibility: Chair of Finance committee, Pay Committee Register of interests: None Leon has two children that attend Springfield Primary School Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB 3/6 Finance committee 3/3 Pay Committee |
Jim Skinner Category of Governor: Co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 24.05.23 Term of office: 24.05.23 - 23.05.27 Positions of responsibility: Welfare committee, Vice-Safeguarding Govenor Register of interests: None Jim has a long standing relationship with the school as his two grown up daughters both attended Springfield Primary. He brings a wealth of previous governor knowledge to the FGB having been a governor at a local secondary school for many years. Attendance 2024/25: 1/6 FGB committee 1/3 Welfare committee |
Emma Russell Category of Governor: staff Appointed by Staff at Springfield Initial start date: 20.10.24 Term of office: 20.10.24- 19.10.28 Positions of responsibility: Welfare committee Register of interests: None Attendance 2024/25: 1/5 FGB committee 1/3 Welfare committee |
Alison Withers Category of Governor: Co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 24.09.13 Term of office : 01.09.22-31.08.26 Positions of responsibility: Curriculum Committee, Welfare Committee, Safeguarding Governor Register of interests: None Previous experience of another local primary school’s FGB and a good understanding of figures are skills that Alison brings to our FGB. At Springfield she is linked with the PE co-ordinator and Sports Premium. She had two children at Springfield. Attendance 2024/25; 2/6 FGB committee 1/3 Welfare committee |
Jon Linz Category of Governor: Co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 12.09.17 Term of office : 12.09.21 - 11.09.25 Positions of responsibility: Chair of Welfare Committee Register of interests: .None Jon is an experienced secondary school teacher at Little Heath. He has experience of running school councils, student research projects and peer mentoring schemes. He is keen to support the pupils at Springfield in their personal, emotional and academic development. Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB committee 2/3 Welfare committee |
Jason Hearn-Phillips Category of Governor: Co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 29.03.17 Term of office : 30.03.21-29.03.25 Positions of responsibility: Finance and Personnel Committee. Health and Safety Governor Register of interests:: None Jason has a long connection with the school, having two children who used to attend. He was also the chair of the PTA for four years. Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB Committee 3/6 Finance and Personnel Committee |
Gisella Vignali Category of Governor: Co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 23.09.14 Term of office : 23.09.22 -22.09.26 Positions of responsibility: Chair of Curriculum committee, Chair of Pay committee, Welfare Committee, Inclusion Governor Register of interests: None Gisella was Head of Sixth form at a Little Heath School and wanted a more direct role in helping a primary school improve its provision. At Springfield she is linked with humanities and EYFS Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB committee 1/4 Curriculum Committee 3/3 Pay Committee 1/3 Welfare Committee |
Maria Moppett Category of Governor: parent Elected by parents Initial start date:: 04.10.22 Term of office: 04.10.22 - 03.10.26 Positions of responsibility:: Finance and Personnel Committee Register of interest: None Maria has one child at Springfield and is looking forward to the new challenges of being a school governor. Attendance 2024/25; 1/6 FGB committee 2/6 Finance and Personnel committee |
Zoe Willows Category of Governor::co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 19.11.15 Term of office : 11.09.22 - 10.09.26 Positions of responsibility: Vice Chair of FGB, Welfare committee, Curriculum committee, Register of interests: None Zoe brings a strong training and organisational background to the FGB. She has had two children attend Springfield. Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB committee 1/3 Welfare committee 2/4 Curriculum committee |
Claire Warren Category of Governor: co-opted Appointed by Full Governing Body Initial start date: 20.04.16 Term of office : 31.03.22- 30.03.26 Positions of responsibility: Chair of FGB, Curriculum committee, Pay Committee, Finance Committee Register of interests: Director of SCW Organisation LTD Claire brings her knowledge of financial services to the FGB as well as strong organisational skills. She has one child at Springfield Attendance 2024/25: 2/6 FGB committee 2/4 Curriculum committee 3/3 Pay Committee 3/6 Finance and Personnel Committee |
Springfield Primary School Governors - declarations of interest
Governors' Visits to School Policy
The approved minutes from the Full Governing Body Committee, Welfare committee, Finance and Personnel Committee, and Curriculum Committee can be obtained from the school office.
Please contact the Clerk, Clare Graves on or 0118 9421797
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