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Breakfast Club

We run two breakfast clubs, one for younger children (EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2) and one for older children (Years 3-6). Both our breakfast clubs run every day during term-time from 8am. When children arrive, they have an opportunity to play some simple games or if the weather is nice, to play outside. Please ensure your child has eaten before arriving at the club, as we do not offer any food. The price of this is £4 per day. Breakfast club is very popular, so please book early to avoid disappointment as there is very limited availability.

Email asc@springfieldprimary.org to check for available places. 

After School Club

Hosted in different areas of the building, straight after school, the club provides a safe and fun environment for children whose parents need a childcare option at the end of the day. The club runs until 6pm daily. We have a wide selection of toys and games for the children to play with, or we may take them outside to utilise our extensive grounds. The price of the After School club is £10 per child per day. As with Breakfast Club, we do not offer any food so please send a small snack for your child to enjoy after school.

Once again, our After School Club is very popular. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Email asc@springfieldprimary.org to check for available places. 


We administer the bookings via paper forms that can be obtained from the school office on request. Payments for Breakfast Club and After School Club are made through the "schoolgateway".

You will need to give at least a minimum of 14 days notice of any bookings or cancellations. For cancellations please email asc@springfieldprimary.org with the details and we will adjust your bookings.

Gateway instructions to  pay online at www.schoolgateway.com

Terms and conditions of the Breakfast and after school club

AFter School Club Telephone Number

During the school day you can contact us on 0118 942 1797 or asc@springfieldprimary.org.

If you need to contact us after the school office closes at 4pm, please use this number: 07513 077199

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