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Welcome to Year 1 & 2

The Lower School at Springfield consists of three classes - a Year 1 class, a mixed Year 1/2 class and a Year 2 class. 

  • Magpies (Year 1) - Mrs Wright supported by Mrs Marshall and Miss Webb
  • Robins (Year 1/2) - Mrs Bolton supported by Mrs Broderick and Mrs Kean
  • Chaffinches (Year 2) - Mrs Carter supported by Mrs McBride


Children should wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE timetabled:-

Magpies - Wednesday, Thursday

Robins - Thursday and Friday

Chaffinches - Wednesday and Friday


KS1 will visit the library on a weekly basis. Please ensure your child brings in their library book when it is finished or on their library days.

Magpies- Wednesday

Robins - Monday

Chaffinches - Monday

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