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Welcome to the Key Stage 1 Area

Year 1 and 2 staff

Mrs Wright teaches Magpies, our Year One class, and is supported by Ms Richards and Miss Webb

Mrs Bolton teaches Robins, our Year One/Two class, and is supported by Mrs Broderick (PT) and Mrs Kean (PT)

Mrs Summerfield teaches Chaffinches, our Year Two class, and is supported by Mrs McBride


Children should wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE timetabled:-

Magpies - Monday, Thursday

Robins - Monday, Wednesday 

Chaffinches - Monday, Wednesday


KS1 will visit the library on a weekly basis. Please ensure your child brings in their library book when it is finished or on their library days.

Magpies- Wednesday

Robins - Friday

Chaffinches - Thursday 

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