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School Uniform

You can order school uniform from our suppliers - Tilehurst School Wear, 20 Hildens Drive, Tilehurst, 0118 327 1060 http://www.tilehurstschoolwear.co.uk

or directly from the Tesco supplier at http://www.myclothing.com .

Non-branded items of uniform may be purchased from all well known supermarkets.

We ask that all pupils are dressed appropriately and smartly for school each day, taking into account the weather. This includes when representing our Springfield outside of the school premises.

School uniform for pupils consists of the following:

Light blue polo shirt (preferably with the school logo)

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (preferably with school logo)

Navy blue pinafore dresses, skirts, culottes or shorts                     

Navy or black school uniform trousers  (no leggings)

Navy or black tights

Grey, black or white socks                

Black shoes

Sensible boots are acceptable in the winter months. These should have a low heel and be suitable to wear all day.

Hair accessories - blue, black or checked.

Nursery Children (Owlets) only - can wear black/navy jogging bottoms

Children should bring a coat.

P.E Kit:

Light blue t-shirt

Navy or black shorts

Dark coloured track suit (no logos)

Trainers or plimsolls - dark colours only


We always have a range of second hand uniform available. Please email the office for details.

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