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Behaviour expectations

Good to be Green

The ‘Good to be Green scheme was introduced in Springfield in September 2019. The scheme is an acknowledge and effective way of promoting positive behaviour, rewarding those pupils who consistently behave well, whilst also allowing the school to be able to track those pupils who find it harder to meet the school’s expected behaviour code.

The scheme was chosen as it is visual, with child friendly resources which allow all pupils to easily see how they are doing in class. We believe that it is important to promote a positive message regarding behaviour management at all times- ‘Good to be Green’ is a means of promoting our high expectations of positive behaviour. If a child has had a bad lesson, they can start afresh the following session or day. For example; poor behaviour in the first lesson of the day can be rectified and turned back to green by the start of lunch or the end of the day.

Every child starts their day on a positive note with a green card displayed in their pocket of the Class Chart. The card says- ‘It’s Good to be Green!’ and the children soon learn to associate being on Green with a feeling of having done the right thing. If a child stays Green for the whole of the week they will be rewarded with 50 house points for their house team.

In addition, children may also be awarded additional house points across the day for rectifying behaviour, completing work etc.

If, during the day, in lessons, or at break times, a child has to be warned of inappropriate behaviour, or has broken a school rule, then a Yellow Warning Card will be displayed over the top of the Green card. The warning gives the child the opportunity to reflect, consider and review their behaviour. If a child is already on a Yellow Warning Card, and they have to be told again of inappropriate behaviour, then there are consequences. A yellow card would equate, for example, to 5 minutes off playtime.

Sometimes, just the mention of moving a child onto a Red Consequence Card is enough to encourage them to behave appropriately. However, if necessary, the child’s Yellow Warning Card will be moved to the back of the pockets and the Red Consequence Card will be displayed.

Persistent inappropriate yellow behaviours (see table below) would equate to a red card which would then have a consequence of loss of playtime of lunchtime. Some behaviours would immediately result in a red card (see table below). Further persistent inappropriate behaviour could result in a temporary or even a permanent exclusion. A child who has received four red cards in a half term would be a cause for concern, and parents would be asked to meet with staff to discuss ways to support their child and involve outside agencies if needed. Parents will also be notified in their child receives 4 yellow cards in a week.

Equally, pupils will often display behaviours where they go out of their way to be friendly, welcoming or helpful. Pupils will have the opportunity to be rewarded for very good behaviour. Every month staff and pupils will be asked to nominate 2 class members who have gone out of their way to be friendly, welcoming, well- behaved or good. These pupils will meet with the Head or Deputy Head teachers.

Teachers and staff respond to inappropriate behaviour using the ‘Good to be Green’ scheme. The table below gives examples of some kinds of behaviour which are levelled according to ‘severity’.

Low Level initial behaviours

Range of Possible Sanctions

  • Out of seat
  • Rocking on seat, slouching
  • Calling out occasionally
  • Running indoors
  • In wrong place
  • Not clearing up


Informal gesture: eye contact, frown, gesture.

Moving the child to a different seat.

A private reminder about the behaviour we wish to see-inviting them to make the right choice.

A verbal reminder to change their behaviour prior to Yellow card being issued.

Yellow behaviours

Range of Possible Sanctions

I do not listen in class

I talk in class

I use unkind words and gestures

I am rude and disrespectful

I do not work hard or try my best

I am unkind to my friends

I ignore rules and instructions


In practice this will look like:

  • Distracting others
  • Throwing small objects to distract – not to hurt
  • Inappropriate physical contact, eg poking, flicking, pulling hair.
  • Complains or mutters disruptively/persistently
  • Talking at an inappropriate time, or asking inappropriate questions to disrupt
  • Hides work or resources
  • Interferes with other’s property
  • Minor deliberate damage (pencils)
  • Leaves the room without permission
  • Lies (older pupils)
  • Telling lies to get others into trouble
  • Persistent rough play


Yellow warning card – In Key Stage 1 children will take time out.

In Key Stage 2 children will lose 5 to 10 minutes from their playtime or lunch time.

They will be asked to complete or improve work in own time.

They could be allocated a job to complete such as tidying the classroom or library.

They will be spoken to by a member of the SLT.

4 yellow cards in a week will result in a phone call to parents.

Red behaviours

Range of Possible Sanctions

I interrupt my teachers and stop other children learning and working

I do not follow instructions

I have used swear words and derogatory language about staff and pupils

I am repeatedly mean to my friends

I continuously ignore school rules


In practice this will look like:

  • Encouraging others to misbehave
  • Using obscene words to offend
  • Intentionally causing hurt to another pupil
  • Verbal abuse of adults
  • Answering back or constantly questioning adults’ decision or request
  • Refusing to obey instructions

Red card issued.

Sent to HT/DHT – recorded in Behaviour Log.

Loss of whole of Playtime or Lunchtime

Child uses ‘time’ to try to make amends eg repairing property; re-doing work; apology; restorative work with the victim /perpetrator.

A conversation with parents via the class teacher

4 red cards in a month – meeting with parents and SLT.

Temporary internal or fixed term exclusion including the use of lunchtime exclusions

Permanent exclusion

Playground Sports Leaders and EYFS Buddies

As part of our continued focus on supporting all children as well as raising levels of exercise we introduced Sports Leaders to the children of Key Stage 1. Children from Key Stage 2 volunteered to spend time at lunch with their younger peers to teach them a range of playground games. Children in Year 6 also act as buddies to the children in Early Years spending time playing and reading with them at lunchtimes.  

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Statement

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